Vault IP - a weird name for a law firm

Hello world

My first blog post! How exciting- either this means that I'm sitting here without any work to do, or that it's piling up next to me and I've been swept away by all this social media malarkey (I'll give you a clue- it's the latter).

So- instead of launching straight into incredibly insightful, interesting IP content, here's a short intro to my new baby, and why the hell I chose a name which people NEVER get right over the phone (volt? fault? bolt?).

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Bodgitt, Grabbit & Run LLP

The world of IP lawyers seems to be separated into two camps in terms of company names. The old-school, wood-panelled crusty-partner-surname-style, or the more aspirational "inspire" / "aspire" / "innovate" kinda thing. Neither really appeals- I wanted something between the two. Modern, professional and memorable (without being pretentious). I wanted a one-word solution. Something punchy, but which alluded to (rather than directly referred to) the business I am in. Like Squarespace®, Xero®, Buffer®.

I liked Husk (protective shell, although arguably dry and vacant!), Carve (more for the snowboarding allusion) and Armadillo (Harry Enfield was there first).


This was the favourite, and I chose it for two reasons:


Geddit? Security for my clients, a big leap into the unknown for me.

And the fact that no-one get's it right first time actually makes it memorable.  So I'm pretty happy with that!

I'll be updating this blog with some of the more interesting stories from the world of IP (no legal blah blah- I promise), so keep up to speed by following Vault IP on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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